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Morning Registration

The school gates open to welcome pupils at 08:40 and close at 08:50. Pupils arriving after the gates have closed report to the school office staff to be signed in with parent, reason for lateness given and recorded. Pupils who are late, after the gates have closed,are marked as late before the register closes (L code). Morning registration is open from 08:50. Pupils arriving after registration closes (09:20), are marked as late after register closes (U code). This is an unauthorised absence and negatively impacts a pupil’s attendance percentage.

Afternoon Registration

Afternoon registration is open from 1:00, 1:15 or 1:30, depending on the year group. Pupils arriving after registration closes (30 minutes after it opens), are marked as late after register closes (U code). This is an unauthorised absence and negatively impacts a pupils attendance percentage

Leaving the Premises During the School Day

Parents are requested to notify the school in advance if a child needs to be collected during the school day. The child is to be signed out before leaving the premises with a parent of carer.

Notifying the School of a Child’s Absence

Parents/carers must notify school on the first and every day the child is unable to attend school by 09:00

Parents must give detailed reasons for absence. For example, ‘child has a throat infection/been sick etc’ rather than just ‘unwell/poorly’.

Name of person absence should be reported to: Mrs Justina Savory School Secretary.

Headteachers are unable to authorise absence for leave in Term Time unless the reasons for this are deemed to be exceptional.

Unauthorised leave of absence could lead to a Penalty Notice being issued by the local authority, per parent, per child.

Little Hero Campaign

Staffordshire County Council have recently launched a new campaign to support KS1 & KS2 children with attendance.

The campaign is split into two elements: 

1. ‘Little Heroes’ 

The fun, motivational and engaging side of the campaign to encourage school attendance and the message: 

On time

Creative materials will be displayed around schools and children will receive certificates and stickers to recognise their attendance efforts.

Little Heroes Assemble! Here Every day Ready On time

2. Helpful Heroes

The educational side to support children who are emotionally struggling to attend school due to anxiety.

Helpful heroes. Every hero has worries, but together we can manage them.

For pupils that are struggling with their emotional health, we have created a Helpful Heroes workbook to understand children’s barriers to avoiding school and to help children manage their worries. 

The Helpful Heroes workbooks educate children about different feelings and emotions and why their body reacts in certain ways, explaining the feelings they are having are normal.  

Through a variety of hero-themed mindfulness activities, designed suitable for their age group, children will also learn how to cope with anxiety in different scenarios to help them in real life situations. 

We encourage parents and teachers to go through the workbooks with children who may be struggling, to enable them to also understand what barriers the child is facing and what helps them feel calm when they become anxious.HERO banner. Decorative.