Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to the Early Years
Mrs Hawkins
Mrs Moran (TA)
Mrs Richardson
Mrs Kennedy (TA)
Mrs Hannah Grimsby
Mrs Welch (TA)
Take a look at our lovely Early Years unit using the links on the left! Here at Whittington we provide places in our Nursery for just mornings or full days and we have 45 places in Reception.
Whittington Foundation Stage Unit recognises that every child is unique and enters the setting with their own experiences and abilities.
We aim to develop the children by building positive relationships with other children and supportive adults. We expect our children to show respect for themselves and others by sharing, taking turns and using manners.
Within a caring and safe environment, we encourage the children to be independent and take appropriate risks through stimulating and challenging activities where all children succeed.
We believe that children should take ownership for their own learning through adult-supported and child-initiated activities based around a holistic curriculum. We expect the children to continue to be interested, motivated and excited to learn and for adults and children to thrive in learning together.
We provide opportunities to learn and explore within the separate Reception and Nursery classes, completing challenges and activities, before opening up the bi-fold doors to allow free-flow learning together! This provides a wonderful opportunity for our youngest Nursery children to be supported by the oldest Reception; we're very kind and caring.
If you have any questions about our Early Years unit, please call the school or email nursery@whittington.staffs.sch.uk, and we'll do our best to answer your enquiries. Alternatively, check out our virtual tour using the link below!
Please note that having a place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception the following year. All Reception admissions are done officially through Staffordshire County Council.
Here is a document explaining more about what to expect in the EYFS: a guide for parents.