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Maths - Year 3/4

Each half-term, your child will have a key instant recall target which they will be working on improving in school. There is an information guide for how you can help at home with each of these targets.


Spring One

Year 3 Key instant recall target - I can find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number. 

Year 4 Key instant recall target - I know my multiplication and division facts for all times tables up to 12x12.


The expectations for each year group are below and we will soon add the various ways we learn maths for the different calculations with examples.

By the end of Year 3, a child:

  • will be developing written and mental methods using the four operations including number facts and the concept of place value, and performing calculations with whole numbers;

  • can solve a range of number and place value problems;

  • can compare different shapes with reference to its angles;

  • can use measuring instruments, making reference to their units of measure;

  • can tell the time accurately;

  • can recall the majority of the multiplication tables;

  • can read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently, using growing word reading knowledge and knowledge of spelling; and

  • is able to read and write simple fractions and decimals.

By the end of Year 4, a child:

  • should be fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value;

  • will be developing efficient written and mental methods and performing calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers;

  • can solve a range of problems including those with simple fractions and decimal place value;

  • can draw shapes with accuracy using mathematical reasoning and analyse shapes and their properties, confidently describing the relationships between them

  • can use measuring instruments accurately, making connections between measure and number;

  • can recall the multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in the work; and

  • can read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently using a growing word reading knowledge and a knowledge of spelling.