What are the weekly routines?
Monday: Spelling test and new spellings set
Swimming for Year 4
PE For Moles and Rabbits
Tuesday:_____PE For Foxes
Wednesday: Year 3 String Instruments
PE for all Year 3 and Year 4
Languages homework due in.
Friday: TT Rockstars homework due.
NB – Children finish school at 3:25pm and are sent down the school path so you will need to arrange a meeting place with your child for collection.
NB – Children in KS2 are not provided with free government fruit so they will need to bring a healthy snack with them for playtime.
Homework will be:
- Reading (Please ensure you sign your child's reading diary 3x week)
- Spellings - set on a Monday.
- Times Tables Rockstars http://www.ttrockstars.com - set on a Friday, to be completed by the following Friday.